Make Checkout Clean and Beautiful

MessageWrap turns the highest touch area in your store into a clean, beautiful and protected space.

Enhance the Checkout Experience

MessageWrap is good for shoppers and sales alike. By providing a clean surface at checkout, MessageWrap leads to increased loyalty and retention as shoppers seek a more pleasant shopping experience.

MessageWrap transforms grocery conveyor belts into dynamic,

antimicrobial billboards for marketing messages and advertising

  • Make Checkout Clean

    Creates a long-lasting antimicrobial barrier against contamination. Proven effective in killing microbes and viruses.

  • Boost Shopper Loyalty

    Number one way shoppers prefer to learn about new initiatives. Shoppers choose a cleaner checkout experience.

  • Increase Sales

    Delivers strong sales lift and unparalleled awareness with superior messaging and shopper engagement customization.


MessageWrap Clean

MessageWrap conveyor belt covers feature an antimicrobial coating that destroys germs to keep checkout clean. The proprietary antimicrobial technology is permanently embedded via a scratch-resistant surface to ensure lasting protection.

“The marketing element of MessageWrap has always caught my attention; the antimicrobial element has made me now pursue it.”

— Senior Vice President at a leading retailer and now a MessageWrap customer

Shoppers Want MessageWrap

Shoppers indicate a clear and consistent preference for MessageWrap over the standard black conveyor belt. They find it inviting, engaging and a preferred way to learn about new and featured products.

said they Agree or Strongly Agree that they would prefer to see the MessageWrap conveyor belt over a standard black belt

Prefer MessageWrap

72% of shoppers said they Agree or Strongly Agree that they would prefer to see the MessageWrap conveyor belt over a standard black belt


Don’t Mind Advertising

94% of shoppers said they don't mind seeing advertising if it’s an antimicrobial checkout belt


Shows Store Cares

78% of shoppers said having MessageWrap antimicrobial conveyor belts prove their store “cares about my and my family’s health and their employees”

MessageWrap Messaging

MessageWrap combines captivating graphics and messages that foster shopper engagement, providing an endless array of messaging possibilities. MessageWrap can be deployed for a variety of categories, including: Retailers, Consumer Packaged Goods, Non-Profit Organizations, Financial Services, and more.

MessageWrap awareness is 9x higher than ceiling banners, 13x higher than floor graphics and 78x higher than register pole signs.

MessageWrap awareness is 9x higher than ceiling banners, 13x higher than floor graphics and 78x higher than register pole signs.

MessageWrap is the most cost efficient advertising platform based on actual shopper awareness and recall.

MessageWrap is the most cost efficient advertising platform based on actual shopper awareness and recall.


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